Coinvex News

New Blockchain Status Information! Date: 10/24/2019

We added new blockchain status information for all supported coins, you can now easily know if your favorite proof of stake or proof of work cryptocurrency is connected properly on the exchange. We also updated the exchange overall and added some new animations and improvements to speed and the trading interface. All previous trades were cleared due to some massive backend overhauling, notice will be given next time, if this needs to occur. Happy Trading!

New Depth Charts and Notifications! Date: 10/20/2019

We added new advanced Depth Charts to all of our markets. We also fixed our notifications to Toastr notifications now for a more smooth trading interface. Launches! Date: 10/16/2019

We launched on October 16th 2019. We aim to provide a stable and secure trading platform that is mobily accessible and fast. We plan on developing and updating our platform as we go! Please share to all your friends with a referral link!