Coin Listing
We only accept Bitcoin based altcoins (coins with JSON RPC 1.0 compatibility).
Cryptonote and Zcash forks and Ethereum tokens are currently not accepted and never will be.
To be listed on Coinvex, a coin should satisfy several requirements:
1. Аt least 10 pages with informative posts on Bitcointalk
2. A listing on Coinvex should be announced to the coins related community
3. Fee of 1 Bitcoin (BTC) or 10,000 Denarius (D) for listing (No volume requirement)
A coin can be delisted if:
* Consumes a lot of server resources and/or can't perform under production conditions
* Unstable wallet or unstable blockchain (multiple chains / stopped blocks / forks)
* Shitcoins will not be listed
To list your altcoin please send us a message through our support page or Discord.
Please include:
1. Coin Name and Ticker
2. Forum Ann Bitcointalk Thread
3. Coin Github Source
4. Official Website
5. Coin Explorer
Give us 24-72 hours for our team to check your cryptocurrency, we will contact you with further information.